Spring 2017 Newsletter
Hari OM all
Last term, in the weekly classes, we continued studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali looking at the Niyamas, the five observances or rules of personal discipline to create tranquillity in the mind in preparation for meditation. I was in the middle of preparing a summary when I pressed the wrong button after 2 hours' work and deleted the lot. A great opportunity to practice one of them, santosha (contentment).
So I'll just send a brief newsletter about the classes beginning after Easter and go back to the Niyamas when I've recovered! Rather than send it out as another newsletter, I've added it as a blog post on my website www.yogawithbijam.co.uk
Weekly classes
Gate 55 - the class resumes on Monday 24th April.
Currie Community High School - I hope Term 3 will start on Tuesday April 18th but that depends on numbers. At present...