therapeutic yoga

Summer 2017 Newsletter- Therapeutic Yoga

Hari OM all

"Therapeutic yoga" may well be a bit of a misnomer - surely all yoga has healing properties, in the sense of bringing together body, mind and spirit.  There is certainly an amazing amount of scientific evidence building up, confirming what the ancient Rishis have always taught.

Drawing towards the end of my teaching year, I've been reflecting on the role yoga has played and continues to play in my own life.  If events get in the way of my morning practice, so that I have to shorten it or (aargh) miss it out, the day doesn't feel right. it's not only or even primarily because I need a daily practice to be able to teach.   Yoga - including the daily mantras, asanas, pranayama and meditation - is what I call my life-support system  for body, mind and spirit.  Recently I read in a blog post from the ever-interesting...